Sustainable transport

Principal Economics

$25bn Assets of the Electricity Distribution Businesses

The Commerce Commission is in the process of the 2025
reset of the electricity default price-quality path
in a time of uncertainty and high-inflation

Business Development Capacity Assessment for Dunedin City

Dunedin City Council appointed Principal Economics to provide a comprehensive assessment of the sufficiency in development capacity of business land within Dunedin to fulfils requirements of the the National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD 2020), including an investigation of: the locational requirements of business including shape, size, access, reverse sensitivities, and other market factors; […]

25 August 2023
BDCA Dunedin

Review of Housing and Business Development Capacity Assessments

The Ministry for the Environment (MfE) appointed Principal Economics to review the Housing and Business Development Capacity Assessments HBAs). Our review included all councils’ HBAs, except for Rotorua and Wellington, which were not available at the time of this review. The focus of our review was on the requirements of the National Policy Statement on […]

25 August 2023

Climate change adaptation and investment decision making

Avoid costly delays in decision-making. For deep uncertainty, plan ahead, start small, and keep monitoring. Climate is beginning to exacerbate extreme “one-in-100-year” events. Our knowledge of the likelihood of these large-impact events happening in shorter intervals is limited. Adaptive Decision-Making can help to minimise the cost (from delays) to the economy through increasing flexibility at […]

25 August 2023
Climate change uncertainty

Economic impact analysis

Estimate the impact of your activities using our extensive economic assessment frameworks We provide independent economic impact analysis to evaluate the impacts of a project, program or policy on regions, demographic groups, industry or the wider economy.

Economic research

We offer independent review of highly sensitive and technically complex issues. The team at Principal Economics have been involved in a wide range of critical policy and analytical analyses, including development of cost benefit analysis framework development, distributional effect analysis, literature review and policy assessment

Market analysis

Our team of economists help you to understand the demand for your services/products within the wider market. Principal Economics provides insight to the trend of the market and how your investment affect economic outcomes, including labour markets, economic productivity.

Macroeconomic consulting

In the rapidly changing global economy, it is increasingly essential to have a comprehensive understanding of macroeconomic dynamics and conduct a robust analysis of the economic environment to make informed strategic decisions.

Cost benefit analysis

Making decisions in uncertain times needs precise understanding of the costs and benefits. We can assist by identifying fiscal, economic and wellbeing benefits from your investment decision or policy intervention.

Forecasting and modelling

Principal Economics have developed a wide range of robust frontier economic evaluation frameworks to assist with your planning for future investments using best available data.

Business case

We have experience working on the different types of business cases – programme business cases, indicative business cases, detailed business cases and single stage business cases.

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